A logo for the godley chamber of commerce
A white background with the words join the chamber written on it

The Godley Chamber of Commerce has been serving the greater Godley business community since 2018.

Join over 85 businesses in the Godley area that have found the value of membership in the Godley Chamber.

Your investment amount depends on your number of employees.

2024 membership rate will be prorated for the calendar year.

Benefits of joining include:

  • Effective business referrals
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
  • Share Business Info on Social Media platforms
  • Monthly networking events such as Business After Hours, Luncheons and Events
  • Alphabetic and categorical listings on our website directory
  • Effective representation in government affairs
  • Business Spotlights
The word application is written in purple on a white background.

Contact Us

Business Information:

Social Networking:

Primary Contact Information:

Membership Options: 2024 Memberships will be prorated for the remainder calendar year! 

Please make checks payable to: Godley Chamber of Commerce or pay invoice via square


Membership dues are paid annually and membership benefits are subject to change at any time without notice. I agree to abide by the Bylaws of the Godley Chamber of Commerce (“GCC”) and pay dues as assessed until I resign in writing to the organization. I understand that I shall be liable for all dues and fees assessed to my account prior to my written resignation as well as any costs or fess associated with collecting outstanding balances owed to the GCC. I understand this is an application and membership is subject to board approval. I hereby apply for membership into the Godley Chamber of Commerce at the membership level indicated.

Payment may be dropped off at Roden Realty, Irvin Insurance, or PO BOX 122, Godley, TX 76044.

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